

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Demon Hearts: Greenlight Break Down

Demon Hearts has been Green lit! Hooray! Time to analyze some juicy stats and come to some conclusions. At the start of the campaign I spammed links to Facebook and Google Plus. I continued to spam on Facebook throughout the weeks but stopped on G+ because of the low amount of traffic it seemed to get. Demon Hearts was greenlit in 14 days, Had 3982 unique visitors, 1,391 Yes votes and 91 followers. During the couple weeks, the Yes percentage of the pie chart teetered back and forth between 49 and 52 and landed neatly on 50% in the end. As seen in the Cumulative Yes votes section, increase in votes plateaued at around the seventh day.
There were two major spikes during the green light campaign. The first was caused by steams active greenlight community when the game was initially put on steam green light. The Second stubbier spike I believe to be caused by a combination of the steam community and of the Facebook development communities. At around the time of the second spike I posted a picture on the Indie Game Developers face book page that got over a hundred likes.
This picture seemed to get every ones attention. In the text of my post I also asked for people to give their opinion on if I handled this critic appropriately. I posted a link to the Demon Hearts green light page in the comments and let the community go at it. Many said yes however I didn't expect so many to say no. This contention I feel strengthened the marketing potential of the post since it gave many people something to come back to and discuss.
I set up google analytic s with my green light page a little late into the campaign. They are still very informative. The majority of traffic came from an unknown source. As expected steam's referral traffic accounted for many sessions. Unexpectedly a significant amount of traffic came from natural google searches. An even more significant amount came from Facebook.  A small amount came from google plus and demonhearts.com. And then I'm not sure what simple-share-buttons or t.co is.
There is no analytic for this but I personally believe that my presence at the Midwest Gaming Classic was a huge factor in Demon Hearts success. Steam's green light requirements are a mystery but I think one thing that they look for is if you have been to an event to show off your game.

In conclusion I would say that the biggest contributors to the green lighting of Demon Hearts would be my presence on Facebook and Facebook communities, and my presence at real events.

Also a huge thank you to my Marketing Man, +Jeremy Lecus. :]


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